Misfits-Dean Markley "Skullbusters" Guitar Strings In Stores Now!

Misfits Skullbusters strings are now available in stores worldwide! Look for them at Guitar Center stores, Sam Ash and others worldwide! Each string package contains a FREE Misfits Skullbusters sticker! If you don't see them in stores in your area, ask for them! Both the Bass and Guitar strings are the actual strings and gauges used by the Misfits and are now available for purchase online from our Misfits Fiend Store

The Misfits and Dean Markley have had a long-standing relationship. The quality of Markley's strings is unsurpassed making them the ideal strings for the Fits. The legendary band has been using Markley strings exclusively for years, both live as well as in the recording studio. Always striving to take intensity to the next level the Misfits sought to develop custom string gauges to voice their trademark guitars. Long in the works the Misfits and Dean Markley have officially joined forces to bring these custom strings to the general public for the first time ever! That's right fiends; the exact gauges and alloys used and devised exclusively by the Misfits available where ever fine music products are sold!

Jerry's quotes featured on the back of the string packages:

Skullbusters"We've survived 25 years now", Jerry Only reflects. "Maybe 50 years from now, people will still be playing our albums... because we don't water down what we do. Our goal is to keep perspective on who we are and where we're going."

"When we started playing out again, we were surprised to see how many fans both young and old, still go nuts for the Misfits. It shows that we have a very strong following and we can still stay true to ourselves and grow as a band."

"My weapon of choice is a custom Misfits Devastator Bass strung with the crunchiest strands of steel ever produced - Markley's. I designed and built my bass personally and it's no mistake that there are no volume or tone controls. You can't shut it off. I keep it hot-wired, up all the way - all the time. That's my sound. Loud! When I'm there, you'll know it."

"When it comes to Strings, we use only the best... and that's Dean Markley strings! Dean feels the same way about his strings as we do about our music... make the very best you can make and people will always come back for more."

- Jerry Only

"It started as a twisted dream"... in a small town in New Jersey. It was there in 1977, at the dawn of the punk movement, that the Misfits were born. Founding member Jerry Only & company set out to make an impression. They wound up making history and creating a legacy-a legacy who's power stood the test of time, and transcended into an entire new generation. Throughout their career the Misfits audience has developed into an army of "Fiends" generating more interest today than ever before.

From its inception the music was primitive punk rock, harsh, to the point. Yet that aggression was complimented with a strong sense of melody inspired by the roots of rock and roll bred in the 50's. That tradition continues in the Misfits, even today.

"We've survived over 25 years now," Jerry Only reflects. "Maybe 50 years from now people will still be playing our albumsŠ because we don't water down what we do."

"When it comes to Strings, we use only the best... the crunchiest strands of steel ever produced - Dean Markley strings! Dean feels the same way about his strings as we do about our music... make the very best you can make and people will always come back for more."

To visit the Dean Markley website CLICK HERE.